Friday, August 13, 2010

Cat herding

Sometimes it's my own inability to focus that's the "cat."

Sometimes it's the inherent chaos of collaboration on a major project involving hundreds of people and teammates.

Usually, it's both. And I could reaaallllyyy use a good corral.


Clearing through papers, documents and supplies lists. Identifying sources for materials, putting calls out for others, checking out freecycle and craigslist, reading through the Survival Guide for great reminders!

Ria's scavenging list (got any of these lying around?)

I'm part of Red Lightning, one of the three camps placed just behind Center Camp this year that have been dubbed the "spiritual heart" of Burning Man 2010.

As part of the Red Lightning Healing Council -- we'll be holding energetic and physical healing space for the camp and visitors from the playa -- I'm purchasing/seeking a few items to keep our Healing & Earth Medicine domes comfortable and enjoyable.

- 2xbox fans
- 3x100' and 3x60' 12-gauge extension cords
- fabric draperies for both domes
- Wooden hoops to support said draperies
- Earth-tone twinkle lights, 2x20' rope light
- cushions
- signage & writing materials, clipboard and pencils
- shelves for shoes/belongings
- garden arbor & non-MOOP garden-theme decorations

Twelve days til Burning Man!

Like most burners, I'm a bit of a procrastinator.

Except this year...

I'm REALLY a procrastinator.

This blog was created to kick my butt into productivity mode and -- you guessed it -- procrastinate some more.

OK. On to an entry that will help get me and my loved ones to the playa with some semblance of actual preparation.